Complex Sentences - Английский язык с Марией Батхан.

Complex Sentences
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Complex Sentences: Relative Clauses

A relative clause defines someone or something in the main clause. We use such conjunctions as that, which, when, where, who and many others  to introduce a relative clause.

Complex Sentences: Reduced Relative Clauses

Participle clauses reduced relative clauses – are very common in written English as they allow us to include information without making it too complex to comprehend.

Complex Sentences: Adverbial Participle Clauses

Present participles or past participles can be used in a clause with an adverbial meaning. Very often these clauses express information about time, reason or result.

Complex Sentences: Purpose (To/For/So That)

I am sure that I should know English to get a well-paid job.

If we want to express purpose, we can use “for”, “to”, or “so that”.

Complex Sentences: Cleft Sentences

We can express all the information within one sentence, or alternatively we can divide the sentence into several parts, clefts, each of them having its own predicat.

Complex Sentences: Inversion, Inversion in Conditionals

If you are reading this, it means you’ve studied conditionals and can understand them quite well.

Now let me introduce you to inversion in conditionals. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds.

You can often find inverted conditionals in formal speech or see it used for emphasis.

Complex Sentences: Fronting

Sometimes we need to change the direct word order: subject + verb and use the inverted word order instead. We use inversion in order to emphasize subordinate parts of the sentence.

Complex Sentences: It and There; it as Subject / Object, It's no / There is no...

There are several ways of introducing a new idea in the English language: by using the introductory structure “there is/are” or by using the introductory “it”. So what’s the difference?