Contrast: State Verbs/Action Verbs - Английский язык с Марией Батхан.

Contrast: State Verbs/Action Verbs

Contrast: State Verbs/Action Verbs


Вы любите гамбургеры так же сильно, как их любит Макдональдс?

Готовы использовать глагол состояния “to love” в Continuous так же, как это сделали они в своём слогане: I’m loving it!?


В разговорной речи допустимо использовать Stative Verbs в Continuous. В случае с junk food restaurant мы говорим о том, что мы буквально “балдеем” от еды в данный момент.

Но! Это всё-таки исключение. Давайте же разберёмся, в чём разница употребления Stative and Dynamic Verbs.


Чаще всего глаголы состояния подразделяются на 6 основных групп:


  • глаголы физического восприятия: to see (видеть), to smell (иметь запах), to taste (быть на вкус), to feel (чувствовать), to sound (звучать), to look (выглядеть), to hear (слышать).


I live near Westminster Abbey and I see their famous park every day with my own two eyes!


It doesn’t sound like a good plan to me!


He doesn’t feel anything below his right knee.


It tastes a little bit sour, don’t you think?


  • глаголы эмоционального состояния: to adore (восхищаться), to dislike (не нравится), to love (любить), to hate (ненавидеть), to prefer (предпочитать), to admire (восторгаться), to detest (питать отвращение), to respect (уважать).


She adores her elder sister.


They love their little baby son.


I hate to think that you can betray me like.


I detest being insulted by some random rude clients.


She prefers the coat without the hood attached.


  • глаголы желания: to wish (желать), to desire (сильно желать), to want (хотеть), to covet (возжелать).


We only desire to leave work early today.


Do you really want to say that I just need to buy it and hang the expense?


Lots of writers throughout the world covet this literary reward.


  • глаголы умственной деятельности: to believe (верить), to think (думать), to realize (осознавать), to understand (понимать) , to forget (забывать), to remember (помнить), to expect (ожидать), to seem (казаться), to notice (замечать), to know (знать).


He really believes that cats understand human language.


She never forgets to switch off the light in the hall.


Do they really expect us to trust everything they say?


I often notice that she seems rather frustrated.


You never know what tomorrow holds for you.


  • глаголы отношений: to belong (принадлежать), to consist (состоять), to resemble (напоминать), to appear (казаться), to concern (касаться), to matter (значить), to require (требовать), to belong (принадлежать), to include (включать), to appear (появляться).


I do believe that these papers belong to the safe in my room.


Our roads resemble a swamp every spring.


He appears to be reassuringly calm.


It doesn’t matter that she wants to make things better because I’m not going to forgive her.


Your bill includes the entrance fee to the museum as well as the digital art exhibition ticket.


Тем не менее, некоторые из этих глаголов могут использоваться в Continuous и при этом менять значение.


To have


to have (иметь) - stative verb

I have a flimsy wooden hut next to the lake.


to have a baby (иметь ребенка) - dynamic verb

She is having a baby in 3 months.

to have breakfast/lunch/dinner (завтракать/обедать/ужинать) - dynamic verb

Please, call me back in 10 minutes. I am having my breakfast now.


to have a conversation (поговорить) - dynamic verb

She’s having a conversation with her prospective employer at the moment.


to have a party (устроить вечеринку) - dynamic verb

We are having a stag party next Friday.


To smell


to smell (иметь запах) - stative verb

It smells of rotten eggs in here!


to smell (нюхать) - dynamic verb

I am smelling the fried potatoes. Yummy!


To see


to see (видеть) - stative verb

Do you see that man standing next to my car?


to see (встречаться с кем-то) - dynamic verb

They’ve broken up with David. She’s seeing Jack now.


To look


to look (выглядеть) - stative verb

You look amazing in this new sweater of yours.


to look (смотреть) - dynamic verb

Why are you looking at me like this? I haven’t done anything.


To taste


to taste (быть на вкус) - stative verb

It tastes like tofu, perfectly plain.


to taste (пробовать) - dynamic verb

 - Have you seen John?

- He’s tasting your raspberry pie in the kitchen.


To feel


to feel (быть на ощупь, чувствовать) - stative verb

It feels like velvet.


to feel (трогать, ощущать) - dynamic verb

- What are you doing?

- I am feeling the baby’s forehead. I think he’s got a fever.


To think


to think (думать, полагать) - stative verb

I think that since social networks have entered our lives, people have lost the art of a face to face conversation.


to think (раздумывать над чем-то) - dynamic verb

I am thinking of selling my business.


To remember


to remember (помнить) - stative verb

Do you remember how to make an apple pie?


to remember (вспоминать) - dynamic verb

- Why is Sue crying?

- She is probably remembering her last conversation with Chad.


To appear


to appear (казаться) - stative verb

It appears that the carpenter will be able to fix the leak in the roof next Monday at the earliest.


to appear (участвовать) - dynamic verb

He isn’t appearing in the next season of the series.


To weight


to weigh (весить) - stative verb

She is not used to worrying about her appearance, so she weighs herself once in a month at best.


to weigh (взвешивать) - dynamic verb

We are weighing the baby koala to calculate the proper amount of anesthesia for the operation.


It seems that you can tell the difference now!