Complex Sentences: Clauses of Concession - Английский язык с Марией Батхан.

Complex Sentences: Clauses of Concession

Complex Sentences: Clauses of Concession


Although I have studied so much already, there are lots of things I don’t know about the English language…


Чистая правда. Но какое же это классное чувство - узнавать что-то новое.

Так давайте разберёмся с придаточными уступки.


И так, придаточные уступки (Clauses of Concession) употребляются, когда нам нужно противопоставить две части предложения друг другу или указать на неожиданный результат. Придаточные уступки могут присоединяться при помощи союзов: though (хотя), even though (даже если), although (несмотря на то, что), whereas/while (тогда как) или предлогов in spite of/despite (несмотря на/вопреки), а также вводных слов still/however/yet (тем не менее)


Although the exam was very difficult, I did all the tasks.


Despite the fact that she was tired, she cooked dinner and walked her dog.


While you are so selfish, I want to buy you a present anyway.


She’s just undergone an operation. Still, she wants to go home right away.


Обращаем внимание, что в таком случае мы ставим запятые независимо от того, где стоит придаточное – до или после главной части:


Though he is very scared of flying, he wants to go to Italy by plane.


He wants to go to Italy by plane, though he is very scared of flying.


Все вводные слова выделяются запятыми:


They claim that the new formula is ready for testing. However, I insist that it needs further research.


She has given up on me so many times. Still, I believe that she is able to change.


Although/though/even though


Все эти союзы выражают одинаковое значение «хотя/несмотря на/даже если». “Even though” немного сильнее по значению!


Though we are best friends, we don’t really see each other very often.


Even though I asked him to be on time, he was almost an hour late.




Все эти союзы выражают одинаковое значение «тогда как/в то время, как».

Whereas чаще употребляется в формальном стиле.


While I am such a slug, my husband is always as busy as a bee.


Whereas the company has demonstrated a drastic increase in annual revenues, we are not planning to slow down our work pace.


She likes tennis, whereas her sister is fond of water polo.


In spite of/despite


После предлогов in spite of/despite мы используем существительное или герундий.


In spite of her illness, she is eager to come back to work immediately.


In spite of being honest with most of the people, she can’t help lying to her relatives all the time.


Despite their luck, they never manage to save enough money to launch their own business.


Despite sticking to a diet, she keeps eating pasta and rice.


In spite of the fact that/despite the fact that


В том случае, когда нам нужно после предлогов поставить придаточное, мы используем такую конструкцию.


In spite of the fact that he earns a lot of money, he hasn’t bought a flat yet.


Despite the fact that they always celebrate New Year at home, this year they have decided to go to their friends’ place.




Чаще всего мы ставим их в начало предложения, кроме “but”. “But” соединяет части предложения и ставится в начале предложения только в разговорной, повседневной речи.


The weather was awful. However, the team started with their excavation works right on time.


I can’t say that I appreciate his entering this university. Yet, I believe that he is a grown up person and can decide for himself.


They split up a month ago. Still, she keeps texting him every day.


He offered me a ride but I wanted to take a walk.


Despite all the difficulties, you will make sense out of it. Don’t worry!